Online Plant Shopping: How to Care for Plants After the Shipping Process

Online Plant Shopping: How to Care for Plants After the Shipping Process

Posted on December 29 2023, By: Kylie Hilderbrand

Shipping plants can be a delicate process. Whether you're ordering plants online or receiving them as a gift, it's important to know how to care for them properly. In this blog post, we will provide you with some expert tips on how to care for shipped plants and ensure their health and longevity.

1. Unpack the plants carefully

When your plants arrive, handle them with care. Gently remove them from the packaging, being mindful not to damage any leaves or stems. If the plants are wrapped in plastic, remove the plastic immediately to prevent moisture buildup.

2. Inspect for any damage

Take a close look at your plants to check for any signs of damage during shipping. Look for broken stems, wilted leaves, or pests. If you notice any issues, document them and contact the seller to see if they can give you any additional help or tips to heal your plant. 

3. Give them a drink

After being in transit, your plants may be thirsty. Water them gently, making sure not to overwater. Different plants have different watering needs, so it's important to research the specific requirements of each plant you receive. You must also make sure you are watering with the whether in mind. If it is cold out side you do not want to shock your plant by watering it with to warm of water. Be cautious of the water temperature. 

4. Find the right spot

Place your plants in an area that provides the right amount of light and temperature for their specific needs. Some plants thrive in bright, indirect light, while others prefer low light conditions. Avoid placing them near drafts or heating vents.

5. Adjust gradually to their new environment

Plants can experience shock when transitioning to a new environment. To help them adjust, gradually expose them to their new surroundings. Start by placing them in a shaded area and gradually increase their exposure to light over a few days.

6. Monitor humidity levels

Some plants require higher humidity levels than others. If your plants prefer a humid environment, consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near them to increase humidity. Alternatively, you can mist the leaves with water to provide some moisture.

7. Follow a regular watering schedule

Establish a watering schedule based on the specific needs of your plants. Some plants require more frequent watering, while others prefer to dry out between waterings. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot and other issues.

8. Provide proper nutrition

Plants need nutrients to thrive. Research the specific fertilizer requirements for your plants and provide them with the necessary nutrients. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as it can damage the plants.

9. Keep an eye out for pests

Pests can be a common issue with shipped plants. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of pests, such as webs, holes in leaves, or sticky residue. If you notice any pests, take immediate action to prevent them from spreading.

10. Be patient

It's important to remember that plants need time to adjust and grow. Be patient and give your plants the care they need. With proper care and attention, your shipped plants can thrive and bring beauty to your home or garden.

By following these expert tips, you can ensure that your shipped plants receive the care they need to thrive in their new environment. Happy gardening!